WIRE FROM THE BUNKER: Meet David Allan Coe
Equally reviled and revered, the reputation of C&W bad boy David Allan Coe precedes the man by a country mile: ex-con, polygamist...

figured I'd shoot a few Wires from the Bunker out to you, my loyal and multitudinous Phawker readers. We're hunkered down here...

RIP: Eric Taylor, A Folksinger’s Folksinger
In the midst of all of "this," it would be a shame for the recent death of one of America's best songwriters to come out of Texas or really

“GOD SAVE JOHN PRINE: Please Lord, We Don’t Ask For Much (In Fact We’ve Never Asked For Anything)”
If you haven't heard, sad news from Nashville: John Prine, folksinger-songwriter extraordinaire and a goddamn national treasure...

Blame the drummer! Excerpts from the 20th Anniversary of Angels Turned Thieves concert, 7/13/2020
Blame the drummer! It was Mark Schreiber's idea to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of our debut record Angels Turned Thieves...

Rehearsal With Rosie EP
We figured we’d share the rehearsal recording with Rosie that was in preparation for the forthcoming Friday at Fergie’s Pub.

THEATER REVIEW: Queen Lear In Bristol
I myself used to beatup over not being able to recall much of what I read.

BEING THERE: Black Lips @ First Unitarian
I have to admit that when I first checked out the Black Lips about a decade ago, it had nothing to do with their music. I’d never heard it.

Being There: Kiss at The PPL Center
Could have been the fact that I was recently promoted to Theater Critic at Phawker and have a background in Kabuki. Or the fact that both...

THEATER: Hamlet @ The Seaport Museum
I've been on this heavy Shakespeare trip for several years.